Why We Serve on the Board…

Last Updated: August 10th, 2014 by Three Rivers Market.

As part of our upcoming Board elections, some of our Board directors shared why they serve on Three Rivers Market’s Board. We will be sharing these over the coming weeks as part of our Board Candidate round-up.

“I serve because Three Rivers makes me feel connected to the Knoxville community.  (Especially for a relatively recent transplant!)” -Jill Mikucki, TRM Board Director since 2013

If you are considering Board service, we will be offering an Orientation this Thursday prior to the Board meeting. In order to fulfill Candidacy requirements, you must attend at least one meeting and an Orientation for Prospective Candidates. Please email the Election Committee for location and time at election2014@threeriversmarket.coop if you plan to attend (email no later than 5pm, Wednesday).

Additional information about our upcoming election and candidate application can be found here.

As always, all members of the co-op are welcome to attend our meetings! Thursday, 6pm, at St. James Episcopal Church, 1101 N. Broadway, Knoxville, hope to see you there!

Upcoming COOP DEALS link