TRM Needs You!

Last Updated: May 27th, 2015 by Three Rivers Market.

Three Rivers Market needs hard working, energetic, and committed members willing serve the cooperative on the Board of Directors. Every year new Board members are elected to renew the link between what we do and the broader needs and interest of the community we serve. Directors are elected by members such as yourself for three-year terms. The Board provides strategic leadership, financial accountability, and stewards resources for the long-term end goals (called Ends) of the cooperative. With this in mind we invite you to consider running for the Board election.

As a member of Three Rivers Market you already appreciate the cooperative’s positive impact in our community. Through your service as a Board Director you will further contribute by making decisions on the long-term strategic direction of the Cooperative. We encourage you to take a step towards Board involvement. The first thing you can do is attend one of our Board meetings. When you attend a meeting you will learn how the Board works toward the Ends. If after coming to the meeting you decide Board service is not for you there are other ways you can involve yourself like serving on a committee. Come to a meeting, engage with the Board, and serve your cooperative!

Upcoming COOP DEALS link