7 Rooster Roster Application - Three Rivers Market

Rooster Roster Application

If you’re a member of the co-op and interested in having your local business or a community based organization that you’re passionate about listed in our Rooster Roster email the following information to k.yartz@threeriversmarket.coop and she’ll do the rest!

Member Name

Member Number

Title (i.e. your relationship to the Business or Organization)

Business or Organization Name

Business or Organization Email

Business or Organization Website

Business or Organization Phone Number

Business or Organization Description in 50 words or less.

Once submitted, please expect up to 4 weeks for your listing to appear on the Rooster Roster. We’ll be in touch if we have any questions!

Not a member yet but interested in becoming one? Click here to learn more about supporting Tennessee’s only food co-op!


Upcoming COOP DEALS link