Reflection of a New Board Member

Last Updated: November 9th, 2014 by Three Rivers Market.

I’m coming up on a year as a Board Member of Three Rivers Market and several things have been reconfirmed during this time: 1. Knoxville is a great community, 2. Three Rivers is a great community resource, and 3. You get out of any organization what you put in.

Over the past year, it feels as if a week scarcely goes by without someone posting an article or link about Knoxville’s attractions or rankings in a national poll.  I don’t think most people are surprised.  It just reflects the pride many people have felt over the years for our community.  As Central Avenue & North Knoxville/Happy Holler transform before our eyes, we can see how this pocket of Knoxville will soon be on everyone’s radar.  Several years ago, Three Rivers Market made a thoughtful business and community decision to be an anchor in this neighborhood and we’re seeing some of the results of this decision today.  Walking to lunch on Central Avenue, I relish the transformation of neglected buildings and look towards the day of a better crossing at Baxter.  It has been a treat to have Three Rivers Market as my work ‘cafeteria’ and to share it through business meetings and lunches with friends.

I continue to be impressed with the management, employees, and board of Three Rivers Market and I know you are too.  Please plan on attending the annual meeting on Tuesday, December 2nd and meet the people that help make Knoxville a great place to live and consider how you can get more involved and support Three Rivers Market.

– Fiona McAnally
Director, 2014-2016
Board of Directors


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