North Central Street Project

The City of Knoxville’s $6.15 million North Central Street project between Depot Avenue and Woodland is underway and is scheduled to be completed by spring 2019.

Updates to the North Central Street Project can be found here:

Stormwater infrastructure upgrades on North Central Street were begun first. Other improvements to be made over a 15-month period:

  1. Sidewalks will be repaired and replaced;
  2. New curbs will be constructed;
  3. “Bulb outs,” stamped crosswalks and other features will improve pedestrian safety;
  4. On-street parking will be better defined; and
  5. Bike lane markings will be improved.

One of the most visible components will be a new linear park between Baxter Avenue and Pearl Place. The park will be created with changes to the intersection at Baxter, and the new sidewalks and hardscape of the park will be done in sequence, moving south to north. The landscaping for the park will be planted in either spring or fall 2019.  This block, with enhanced landscaping, benches and other amenities, will serve as a gateway to Historic Happy Holler and be a nice place for customers of Three Rivers Market to have a picnic!

Combined with Knoxville Utilities Board’s $1.85 million investment to upgrade gas lines, more than 8,000 feet of water main and 26 fire hydrants through the 13-block, 1.1-mile area, total public investment in the North Central Street Streetscapes Project will be approximately $8 million.  The utility upgrades were necessary – part of KUB’s ongoing maintenance efforts to replace older infrastructure.

The streetscape upgrades will make North Central Street more of a true “Complete Street” – that is, it will be more inviting to pedestrians, bicyclists and those who choose transit. The new North Central Street will allow all commuters to share the corridor.






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