7 march2023_newsletter - Three Rivers Market

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 Your Opinion, Please

Spring is nigh and local produce season is coming our way! In an effort to offer you more of what you like and enjoy, please take our


Learn about our Produce Product Standards.

There will be a Celebration of Life for Chris Bottorff, our former Produce Manager, co-worker and friend on Saturday, March 19, 2023 at Ijams Nature Center from 5-7 PM. A group bike ride from the co-op to Ijams for the Celebration of Life is planned starting at 4pm. Read about it here!

New Member Benefit:
You can now receive an E-Receipt of your purchases to your email on file. The next time you shop, ask your cashier to sign you up!

This new benefit helps Three Rivers Market members create and sustain a healthier environment.

Still want a printed receipt instead of or in addition to the E-Receipt? We can do that too!

2023 North Knoxville Community Cleanup with the co-op!
Join this event
Saturday, Mar 4, 2023  9 AM – 12 PM
See map below for cleanup area.
Check out our new monthly Community Event Calendar on Three Rivers Market’s website!
An Evening with Kasey Krouse – Urban Forester, City of Knoxville

Join us at the co-op to learn about the City of Knoxville’s Urban Forest Master Plan and how you can give your input! Join this event.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023  6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Have something co-op related on your mind? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at info@threeriversmarket.coop


South Knoxville Elementary PTO works to enhances and support the elementary school experience for its students, teachers and staff. The demographics of their student population make fundraising more challenging for them than for other larger or more advantaged schools. In March we are collecting change to provide student educational experiences, basic classroom supplies, and facility upgrades.
Objective: To raise $7,000 to support South Knoxville Elementary PTO

For the first time since Spring of 2020, the Three Rivers Board has established a consistent in-person venue for our monthly meetings, as opposed to virtual meetings.

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, from 6:30-8:30pm, and all active Three Rivers Market members may register to attend by as late as 3pm the day before the meeting. As a member you are invited, though not required, to come prepared to speak at our Member Forum, held at the beginning of the meeting. The forum is an opportunity to speak to your interests, priorities, suggestions, or other input as it pertains to the Board’s governance of the cooperative, for future consideration.

Click here to read more about our new meeting location!

The agenda for the regular monthly meetings is posted at least one week before each meeting on the co-op’s website.

To request that an item be considered for the Board’s agenda, members can either email the request to board@threeriversmarket.coop or leave a note for the Chair at the Member & Customer Services Desk at the store. Requests must be dated and include name, member number, phone number, email address, or other reliable contact information needed for follow-up. The deadline for submitting items to the Chair for consideration is four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

Copyright © 2023 Three Rivers Market, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Three Rivers Market
1100 N Central St
Knoxville, TN 37917

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