Local Flowers

Last Updated: July 28th, 2019 by Three Rivers Market Communications.

One of our blessings living in the Tennessee Valley is a bouquet of summer flowers. Our flowers are truly a treat for all the senses, with multiple deliveries a week from local growers Sarah’s Spice & Posies, Sugarfoot Flower Farm, and Little Mountain Flower Farm.

There are many benefits to buying local flowers. They are harvested at the peak of freshness, and with a smaller environmental footprint, they really do smell sweeter than imports. Flower bouquets reduce stress are the best kind of gift for a friend, spouse, or even yourself (#selfcare). You can also enjoy the fact that while you are helping yourself to local bouquets you are helping support local farmers, the local economy, and local bees🐝!

With flowers these fresh, who needs an excuse to celebrate? Treat yourself while they last!

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