What We Mean When We Say Local

We mean locally-owned, independent businesses!  A local, independent business is defined as follows:

1. Private, worker, community or cooperative ownership.

2. At least 50% locally-owned. This means the owners live in the geographic area where the business is located.

3. Decision-making authority is vested in the local owners and not subject to conditions dictated remotely.

4. The business has a limited number of outlets and limited geographic area.

We use the following geographic areas to define and label our local products in the store:

East Tennessee –

Within 100 miles of our store and within the state of Tennessee. Designated by these green tags.

Bioregional –

Within the Southern Appalachian Bioregion. A bioregion is a land and water territory whose limits are defined by the geographical limits of human communities and ecological systems. Designated by these blue tags.

Regional –

Within 275 miles of Three Rivers Market and/or within the Great State of Tennessee. Designated by these orange tags.

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