Community Supported Agriculture

Community Supported Agriculture or CSA is a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a local farm.

Below are farms and small businesses with CSA drop offs in 2023 at Three Rivers Market:


Contact: Marcie Yadon or Elizabeth Murphy
Phone: 865-680-7935 or 865-803-2152
Website: in progress Facebook: knoxfarms2families
Method: Grass Fed and Free range
CSA since: 2020
Available: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Shares Include: Non-traditional CSA.  No shares.  $30 yearly membership fee to join for new members. Membership fee paid with first order. A monthly order form is emailed in the middle of the month to members who choose the items they want. There is no requirement to order every week.
Payment options: check, venmo, and cash app accepted.
Drop Off locations:
All deliveries last Tuesday of each month. Unless you qualify for free door2door delivery (30 pounds min any time of the month)
3:45 – 4:20 PM Maryville (Realty Executive Building Parking Lot)
5:00 – 5:30 PM Executive Park Drive (Revvl Health Parking Lot)
5:40 – 6:00 Cedar Bluff (The Empty Cup Parking Lot)
6:30 – 7:00 PM (Three Rivers Market)

lick skillet farm | jefferson County

Contact: Derek Wilkinson
Phone: 865-344-1160
Website: Facebook:  lickskilletfarmtn.
Method: 100% Grass-finished beef and lamb. Pastured heritage pork, chicken and eggs — ZERO GMOs, corn, or soy. We grind our own feed, made of barley, peas, sunflower seeds, and alfalfa. ALL animals are on open pasture, EVERY day of the year. We welcome visitors to tour each of our farm operations.
CSA since: 2021
Available: Lick Skillet FarmBoxes are available year-round.
Shares Include: Monthly Farmbox is a 100% CUSTOM box of beef, pork, lamb, chicken and eggs.
Payment options: Monthly, by credit card only.
Drop Off location: 
All deliveries are on the 3rd Saturday of Each Month.
Saturday, Three Rivers Market, 10 AM -11 AM


If your entry needs to be updated, or if your farm has a CSA program and you would like to use Three Rivers Market as a drop off, email us at 

Csa Frequently Asked Questions:

has the information provided been verified by three rivers markeT?

No, so please ask your farmer questions, request copies of certifications or licenses, ask to visit the farm, or do your own research.

does the sale of prepared foods require a permit?

Prepared foods including baked goods, jams, and jellies require permits from Tennessee Department of Agriculture Regulatory Service.  Prepared foods must be sold in compliance with Tennessee Department of Agriculture and County Health Department regulations.

what are the standards for selling eggs in tennessee?

All eggs should be cleaned, sanitized and sold in containers labeled to indicate the producer of the eggs.

what are the standards for selling dairy products in tennessee?

All dairy products sold in Tennessee must be registered.

which farms are certified organic?

The Certified Organic farms will have a certificate and you can verify Certified Naturally Grown farms here.




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