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Staff Spotlight: Rush Skinnell
Rush started working at Three Rivers Market in December of 2006 so he has invested sixteen and a half years of his life into the co-op!
His passion for organic agriculture, herbal remedies and the cooperative business model led him to be the Wellness Manager at Three Rivers Market. Along with all the other dynamic employees at the time, Rush put in the hard work to make the move from the co-op’s prior location in an old two-story house at 937 N Broadway to the current expanded location on the cusp of Happy Holler.
As a fan of design, Rush admires the architecture of the store and likes to think of it as “a contemporary cathedral of cooperative commerce.” How’s that for alliteration!
As a resident of the Fourth and Gill neighborhood, Rush enjoys being able to walk to work and to support the other local businesses in the Downtown North and Old City areas…from bakeries to breweries, coffee shops and restaurants, it’s a hip and happening part of Knoxville with Three Rivers Market acting as a hub for this culturally rich community.
JUNE 12-18
Strong Stock Farm NY Strip Steak: Local, grass-fed, grass-finished – $1 offHyde Farms NY Strip Steak: Local – $1 off
Strong Stock Farms Coulotte Steak: Local, grass-fed, grass-finished – $1 off
Strong Stock Farm Top Round Steak: Local, grass-fed, grass-finished: $12.99/lb
(Regularly $15.99/lb)
Strong Stock Farm Made In-House Burgers: Local, grass-fed, grass-finished: $8.99/lb (Regularly $10.99/lb)
June 11 – 1820% off all plants & flowers
* Rainbow Root – Cut Flowers
* Riverdale Nursery
* Spencer Mountain
* Stanley’s Greenhouse
Three Rivers Market is a co-op. We are named after the confluence of the Holston and French Broad Rivers on the eastern edge of the City of Knoxville.
These two rivers flow from the Southern Appalachian mountains and combine to form the third river, the Tennessee River, which travels south to Chattanooga and dips into Alabama before coming back into Tennessee delineating Western and Middle Tennessee.
Like the rivers for which we are named, Three Rivers Market nourishes our immediate community, our bioregion of the Southern Appalachians, and our region.
Rivers are fed by small creeks and other tributaries flowing into a larger body. Similarly, we are made stronger by our growing community of members and relationships with our local partners and other cooperatives.
Learn more about your co-op here.
Have something co-op related on your mind? We’d love to hear from you! Email us at info@threeriversmarket.coop