7 july2024_newsletter - Three Rivers Market


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‘Tis the season for the great outdoors!  Whether you are going hiking or camping, having a backyard barbeque with your friends and family or taking a picnic to the park, make sure to protect yourself from those nefarious mosquitoes.  Three Rivers Market has everything that you need to create your own DIY insect repellent in Aisle 2.

Lemon eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora) is a tree that is native to Australia.   The leaves of this tree have a lemony scent and contain a compound called menthoglycol that has been shown to be very effective at repelling mosquitoes.

In a spray bottle, just mix 30 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil into 4 ounces of witch hazel and add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and, voila, you have a simple yet potent insect repellent!

The witch hazel acts as the base and emulsifier of the mixture while the vanilla adds a pleasant scent.

So mist yourself with this protective potion, leave the screen-time behind and go enjoy the great outdoors!


Fun Tennessee Bee Facts

Bees symbolize the arrival of spring into summer as they move between flowers. Beyond this, bees play a crucial role in agriculture in Tennessee and throughout the country as vital pollinators for various fruits and vegetables. Here are some intriguing bee facts:

– The honeybee holds the title of Tennessee’s official state agricultural insect.

– A queen bee has the remarkable ability to lay up to 2,500 eggs daily.

– North America is home to over 4,000 bee species.

– Honeybee pollination significantly benefits Tennessee agriculture, adding more than $500 million in value.

– Honeybees are responsible for pollinating over 100 crops in the United States.


The CBD Connection 

Did you know that the price of most agricultural products has been artificially lowered by USDA subsidies to industrial farms, and does not reflect the true cost of growing food? In order to keep our sustainably grown fruits and veggies affordable AND fairly compensate our local farmers, the Produce Department offers another time-honored agricultural product ~ legal cannabis ~ to raise the bottom line of our department, help cover operating expenses of the store and create value for our members.

For the month of July our CBD products including gummies, infused honeys, bath bombs and beverages such as seltzers, cider and kombucha will be generously discounted! 

If you are already a fan, stock up! If not, consider giving them a try. The “industry” has come a long way in recent years, offering many convenient and delicious ways for the plant to help with stress, anxiety, and sleep.

Check the endcap at Register 3 for a variety of CBD products for holistic, plant-based wellness without the mind-altering effects. 

GUMMIES 20% off 
Charleston Hemp Collective

BATH BOMBS and HONEY 25% off 
Charleston Hemp Collective

BEVERAGES 15% off 
Hi-Rise and Climbing Kites Seltzers,
GT’s Kombucha, Otto’s Cider

Please note that these products may only be purchased by individuals 21 years of age or older. 

A bit about the physiological relationship between humans and cannabis:

The human body has its own endocannabinoid system, and naturally responds to the influx of cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. The endocannabinoid system is made up of neurotransmitters and cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), which are spread throughout the entire body. CB1 receptors are found in largest concentrations in you brain an central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are more commonly present in peripheral organs, especially cells involved with the immune system.

The endocannabinoid system, along with its receptors and neurotransmitters creates a communication network between the vital systems in your body, regulating a vast range of biological functions, such as sleep cycle, mood stability, pain and pleasure perception, appetite, and much more. When administered, CBD extract stimulates the cannabinoid receptors and may positively impact your body and brain. Moreover, it prompts the body to produce more of its own natural cannabinoids!

Have something co-op related on your mind?
We’d love to hear from you!
Email us at info@threeriversmarket.coop


In July we will be collecting change to help support Magnolia Harbor Carefarm.

Magnolia Harbor Carefarm’s Mission is two-fold:

  • To cultivate community and provide integrative, innovative therapeutic services for those who have experienced trauma or a traumatic loss
  • To provide sanctuary for animals rescued from abuse, neglect, and abandonment to live out the rest of their lives in a loving, compassionate, safe space.
Objective: To raise $7,000 to support Magnolia Harbor Carefarm’s general operations.

Interested in getting more involved in the governance of Three Rivers Market? This month we invite members to attend our annual Member Picnic and to consider running for a seat on the Board.

Click here to read more. 

The Agenda for the regular monthly meetings is posted at least one week before each meeting on the
co-op’s website.

To request that an item be considered for the Board’s agenda, members can either email the request to
board@threeriversmarket.coop or leave a note for the Chair at the Member & Customer Services Desk at the store. Requests must be dated and include name, member number, phone number, email address, or other reliable contact information needed for follow-up.

The deadline for submitting items to the Chair for consideration is four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.





Copyright © 2024 Three Rivers Market, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Three Rivers Market
1100 N Central St
Knoxville, TN 37917

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