7 january2023_newsletter - Three Rivers Market

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News for co-op members January 2023

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In Memoriam
We wish to acknowledge and honor the recent passing of Chris Bottorff, our co-worker and friend. Originally from Indiana, Chris joined the co-op as our Produce Manager in 2016 from Bloomingfoods Market and Deli. His produce and co-op expertise, strong relationship with local growers, collaborative management, strong work ethic, generous, kind, easy-going nature and infectious laugh endeared him to the co-op community at large. Chris was an avid outdoors person and enjoyed hiking, biking, climbing, camping and photography. He will be missed. 

Members Save 10%
Each Month
A benefit of Three Rivers Market membership is saving 10 percent on the shopping trip of your choice each month. Just show your member card. Then ask to apply your 10 percent savings to that transaction. Special Orders and Quick Orders are excluded from this discount.

In January we are collecting change to provide free food to Pellissippi State students and employees experiencing food insecurity, during the time when the 3/4-acre organic garden adjacent to The Pantry is not producing. As food, housing, and transportation costs have increased, the number of requests for assistance have increased.

Objective: To raise $7,000 to support The Pellissippi Pantry.


Board meetings are back to being held in-person on the second Thursday of each month. The January Board meeting will be held Thursday, January 12, 2023 starting at 6:30 PM, location TBA.

Members of the co-op are welcome to attend! Send your request for meeting information to board@threeriversmarket.coop by 3 PM on the Wednesday before the meeting.

The agenda for the regular monthly meetings is created by the Board Chair and posted at least one week before each meeting on the co-op’s website.

To request that an item be placed on the Board’s agenda, members can either email the request to board@threeriversmarket.coop or leave a note for the Chair at the Member & Customer Services Desk at the store. Requests must be dated and include name, member number, phone number, email address, or other reliable contact information needed for follow-up. The deadline for submitting items to the Chair for consideration is four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

To remain in conversation with us, we encourage members to attend Board meetings and member linkage events, email us at board@threeriversmarket.coop, and/or volunteer to participate with Board committees. For more information about committee work planned for the coming year, please fill out this form to indicate your interest.

Copyright © 2023 Three Rivers Market, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Three Rivers Market
1100 N Central St
Knoxville, TN 37917

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