UT Extension 2023 Tennessee Home Fruit and Vegetable Calendar
Click to see the Calendar PDF.
Three Rivers Market is a local, independent cooperative focused on strengthening the local economy! We have been connecting East Tennesseans to local food for nearly 43 years! Inside the Store you will find information on our high-quality local farms and vendors!
For those wanting the “localest,” we provide the information, seeds, plant starts, and soils so you can grow-you-own produce at home! We rely on UT Extension and its vast collection of resources for all the best information regarding planting and growing in East Tennessee. An absolute staple is the annual Tennessee Home Fruit and Vegetable Garden Calendar.
If growing your own is not in the cards, check out Nourish Knoxville’s Local Food Guide, available in our store or online. Use their Guide to navigate your way through our local farmers, CSAs, and around the city of Knoxville’s local food chain. Three Rivers Market can be found under “Grocers” and “Restaurants and Food Trucks,”. Throughout the guide, look for the many local farmers and producers we carry here in the store.