Rights and Responsibilities

Financial Rights

Members have the opportunity to share in the cooperative’s net income in the form of a patronage dividend. The Board of Directors can elect to retain all of the net income in a capital reserve to improve the cooperative, or distribute some, or all, of the net income generated by members by declaring a patronage dividend.

Members also have the right to terminate membership as described in Article III, Section 3.8 of the Bylaws.

Governance Rights

Members have one vote in the affairs of Three Rivers Market regardless of the amount of equity invested. Members also have the right to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.


Members shall comply with the policies of the cooperative. See Article III, Section 3.2 Member Types, a. Patron Member, iii. (A) Responsibilities of the Bylaws.


We are owned by over 11,772 of your friends, neighbors, and kinfolk!

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