Call to Run – 2022 Board of Directors Election

Last Updated: July 19th, 2022 by Three Rivers Market Communications.


This is the time of year when we start calling on our active members to run for seats on the co-op’s Board of Directors.

You are ELIGIBLE to run for one of the three seats opening this year IF:
1. you have been a member of the co-op for a year or more,
2. you are not an employee or supplier of the co-op and have no other financial conflict of interest,
3. you attend a Board meeting in July, August, or September, AND
4. you submit a completed application by 7:00 PM on October 1.

You SHOULD run for the Board if
1. you value our cooperative structure and want to make sure our members are well-represented,
2. you want to learn more about the actual operation of the co-op,
3. you want to have a say about the governing policies of the co-op, AND
4. you are willing to devote time and energy to the Board’s work.

We welcome your attendance at the next three Board meetings, where potential candidates have a chance to ask questions relating to Board service or the election process. The Board
meets from 6:30-8:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month: July 14, August 11, and September 8.

We are currently meeting by zoom. Please register for the meeting by letting us know at by noon on Wednesday before the meeting. You will receive a link to the meeting.

You can access the Election Pamphlet, the Election Application, the Election Code, and an informational video by clicking here.

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