Board News November 2015

Last Updated: November 17th, 2015 by Grocery Department.

As part of Board service, Directors of Three Rivers Market break into committees, groups of two to four, that enable us to efficiently accomplish yearly goals and convene on special interests. This year, we formed a Membership Linkage Committee to better understand our diverse membership and community of shoppers.

To provide in-store Board presence and a format for exchange of ideas, we initiated Meet the Board in 2013— an event whereby two to three Directors are visible and accessible in the store to get to know members. To improve consistency in line with our Board policies, we expanded Meet the Board to a standing date in 2015 (every first Thursday of the month from 6-7PM).

The Membership Committee also planned the first, Board-sponsored Membership Linkage event—a movie showing of Food For Change, held at the Salvage Room on Broadway. In cooperation with Three River’s Market staff Loralyn Milcarek, Director of the Merchandising & Communications Department and Emily Bryant, Merchandising & Communications Assistant, we offered a light, local dinner, drinks, and dessert to members, funded by our annual governance budget.

On October 25, during Knoxville’s first annual Open Streets, the Board shared an array of snacks and lemonade outside the store, welcoming questions, conversation, and enjoying the festivities with members. Our next in-store Meet the Board will be held December 3, from 6-7PM, so stop at our table and say hello!

The Membership Committee intends to continue this valuable work in 2016, by hosting another movie showing and developing other social and educational events to connect with members. Stay tuned, and get involved! We welcome member participation in the creation and planning of events. Contact us at

In the mean time, the Co-op’s Annual Meeting is another fantastic opportunity to meet Three River’s Board and staff while catching the details of this year’s amazing success stories. The meeting will be held at St. James Episcopal Church, 1101 N Broadway on Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Visit here for information. Doors open at 6:15 with the program starting at 6:45. Be there!


Jenny Weisent, Membership Committee Chair

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