Board News

Last Updated: March 31st, 2024 by Three Rivers Market Communications.


Please mark your calendars for a special event featuring Jon Steinman, co-op leader and author of Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants.

Jon will spend the evenings of Monday April 22, and Tuesday April 23, discussing the future of food co-ops and leading members of Three Rivers Market in a cooperative dialogue session around the theme of “Developing a Common Vision for TRM.”

Both sessions will cover the same theme, but night two will build on the momentum of the first session, and all members are welcome and encouraged to register for both nights.


Jon describes cooperative dialogues as a forum and opportunity to engage in democracy at our co-op where all voices are of equal value. It’s a chance for people who love Three Rivers and our community to talk about where we are going next and what community means today.

A single group dialogue session can have considerable effects that ripple into all modes and mediums of communication – both within and outside of the workplace. These sessions can be a starting point where everyone in the organization can have an experience of the format, following which, the co-op will be in a strong position to decide if it wishes to continue to practice and develop the approach. Jon’s role is to guide food co-ops to become self-sufficient in their use of the model and to work towards developing a Dialogic Culture throughout the cooperative.


Sessions will take place from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on both Monday and Tuesday, and light refreshments will be provided. Venue information and registration details to follow soon via email and social media posts.

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