Board News

Last Updated: October 31st, 2023 by Three Rivers Market Communications.

Anyone can shop, anyone can join – this idea is a foundational value of Three Rivers Market, and this inclusive approach is an integral part of our identity. As is democratic member control.

Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who can have a voice in setting policies and in making decisions, and Directors serving as elected representatives are accountable to the membership. Members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote), and at Three Rivers it’s time to exercise your franchise.

Our annual Board election is upon us, and we have five candidates running to fill three Board seats. As members, we have more than a right to participate – we have a responsibility to engage in this democratic process. When everyone participates, everyone wins. We learn about each other, about cooperation, and we learn how we can all do better.

In the next few weeks, member-owners who were active members as of September 30, 2023, will receive emails about the election. When you see that email in your inbox, please remember our cooperative’s shared values and principles, as well as your right and responsibility to participate. You can read each candidate’s bio and responses to a variety of questions, and then make an informed decision before voting.

Decisions get made by those who show up, and now is the time! Thank you for participating in this important process.

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