Board News

Last Updated: April 24th, 2023 by Three Rivers Market Communications.

Spring is a time for new growth after the dormancy of winter. Such was the collective expectation of TRM’s Board of Directors at this year’s spring retreat. The retreat was a two-part series with the first portion being a remote session facilitated by Thane Joyal of Columinate (a national consulting co-op). The Board hoped to discuss long-term goals and strategic direction for the future of TRM during the retreat. Thane offered gentle guidance on how best to re-work Board Policy #A (Global Ends), which is the Board’s primary tool to communicate to the General Manager what our cooperative wants to achieve.

The second portion of the retreat was in-person and held at Highlander Research and Education Center. During this session, the Board worked diligently to plan the annual agenda for fiscal year 2023-2024. A significant portion of the agenda planning process focused on what study and engagement topics should be addressed throughout the coming year. Study and engagement topics were chosen by brainstorming what political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental events will impact TRM, its members, and its community in the next three to five years. The study and engagement sessions will allow the Board to more effectively plan for and communicate the overall aims of the co-op.

Don’t forget that as a member of TRM, you are invited to attend Board meetings. Meetings are held every second Thursday of the month. If you’re interested in attending a meeting, please submit your request for meeting information to by 3 PM the Wednesday before the meeting.

Valerie Woodings, Director

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