Board News

Last Updated: March 28th, 2023 by Three Rivers Market Communications.

Democracy at Our Co-op

Food co-ops value open-door democracy. For us, it’s a matter of fundamental principles: First, membership is open to all. Second, democratic member-control is the way we govern.

The promise of democratic control is a big deal in a grocery store. Many of us joined Three Rivers Market because we wanted an effective voice in the quality and sources of the food we buy, in the treatment of the employees who serve us, and in the store’s plans for the future – even if it costs a little more. You can’t get that kind of influence as a customer at Kroger!

The main way democracy is practiced at Three Rivers Market is through a representative Board of Directors democratically elected by the membership. There are nine of us, and I’m in the second year of my first term. The General Manager works for the Board and is its only employee. Together, the Board members set the policies for operating the store and monitor the General Manager’s compliance with the policies. On behalf of the membership, we envision and determine the co-op’s future so that it remains true to its values and operates to everyone’s benefit. Almost all of our meetings are open to any member. We keep the membership up to date on our meetings and actions. We welcome and respond to individual concerns and questions. We host the Annual Meeting and other member events, like last year’s summer picnic.

My first year on the Board was an unusually turbulent time for the co-op, but there is much to be thankful for. The financial picture is healthy and it’s steadily improving. Recent surveys requested by the Board show that levels of satisfaction throughout the community are high, both among customers with respect to the store operations and among employees with respect to their working conditions. We have an encouraging number of new members. It’s a good time to get involved. The co-op has been changing and continues to change in a number of ways. As members, we all need to make sure the change is for the better.

So please consider the ways you can participate in our cooperative democracy: by voting in Board elections; attending Board meetings and speaking up during the member forum; participating in member events; joining Board committees; and running for a seat on the Board later this year.

The co-op values the voices of its members. Raise yours!

Helen de Haven, Secretary/Treasurer

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