Board News

Last Updated: January 30th, 2021 by Three Rivers Market.

I am so thankful to you, the co-owners of TRM, for the opportunity to serve on our Board of Directors for the past 5 years and as the Board Chair the past year. It has been my sincere pleasure to be part of such a continually dynamic, excellent team.

Truly, I love The Co-op. It is a place that has meant “community” to me since 1997. I love being a part of democratic organization that is working to make our local and regional environment, people, and community healthier. I love the trust I feel walking through the front doors, with regards to our Product Standards, and I am proud to be part of an organization with such progressive Employment Policies. It is a conscious, ethical, and thoughtful business.

I look forward with great confidence to the way our Board Chair, Joy Wilson; Directors; and General Manager, Jacqueline Arthur, will continue to lead our Cooperative in 2021. And I look forward to seeing you in the aisles!

Chris Bottoms, Outgoing Chair
Three Rivers Market Board of Directors

After a challenging 2020, we set our hopes and sights toward 2021. As the incoming Chair of Three Rivers Market I am excited about the possibilities the new year brings. The past year has provided an opportunity to recalibrate and reconsider how best we can ensure our Cooperative’s role creating and nourishing a healthier environment, healthier people and healthier communities. We have a dedicated Board committed to the principles and to the values of Three Rivers Market. Through our responsibilities and engagement we are honored to represent the membership, employees and General Manager. We are resolute in our support of the good works Three Rivers Market offers our communities.

This is my third year serving on the Board of Directors and I have been a patron of Three Rivers Market for many years. Our Cooperative has been a beacon of reliability throughout my years raising a family and, most recently, during some of the most difficult times our community and nation have experienced. It is such a gift to continue participating in the Three Rivers community through Board service. The people with whom I have served on the Board are of the highest caliber and are immensely authentic in their passion for the cooperative values we share as fellow members. We are deeply grateful for the service of our outgoing Board members; Chris Bottoms, Graciela Cabana, and Rebecca Blalock. Their leadership has been inspirational. We are equally appreciative of new Board members, Kimberly Lomonaco, Valerie Woodings and Damian Zannini, who are giving of their time and service this coming year. We look forward to connecting with you during the year as we further our efforts to strengthen our Cooperative. Together, we will roll up our sleeves and champion a meaningful vision for Three Rivers Market’s future.


Joy Wilson
2021 Board Chair
Three Rivers Market Cooperative

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