7 Archived Videos - Three Rivers Market

Archived Videos

Here’s where you can find videos featured on our home page. If you find a great video online that you think our community would enjoy please send a link to info@threeriversmarket.coop.

Adventures in Sustainable Eating: Episode 130 – A Good Thing – The story of a Turkish family on the Black Sea who return to their village to raise goats for yogurt and cheese after years in the city.

Co+op Kitchen:  Alternative Sweeteners – Pastry chef Philip Speer offers an overview of alternatives to refined white sugar, including maple syrup, honey, agave, molasses and stevia.

Urban Wilderness in Jeopardy – This video highlights the community effort toward preserving the Urban Wilderness

Madeline Rogero – Civic Involvement in Co-op Development  – Mayor Madeline Rogero addressed the Strategic Co-op Seminars conference  held in Raleigh, NC by the Cooperative Board Leadership Development in 2012. In this video Mayor Roger speaks about her work as then Director of the City’s Community Development Department and the decision to invest in Three Rivers Market’s growth and expansion.

Three Rivers Market: 212 days in 2 minutes – A nice time lapse video by Studio Four Design who designed our award-winning building

New Pioneers – An animated short about the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers, one of the first consumer cooperatives.

The Perennial Plate Visits Co-ops – Daniel Klein and Mirra Fine of Perennial Plate made their way through the United States on their “Real Food Road Trip” to tell the stories of real food and the people who provide it in every corner of the country. They stopped at food co-ops along the way to meet some local producers, share good food and learn why co-op shoppers and staff are so passionate about their food co-ops.

Choose a Co-op – Animated text explaining the many benefits of co-ops.

Grocery Store Wars (2005) – A funny Star Wars parody about Organic produce.

Pontong Cooperative Tea Garden – Equal Exchange set a goal of 5,000 views for this video. They plan to plant 5,000 tea plants as a representation of those views. What a great co-op!

The Perennial Plate: A Holy Thing – In the third season of Perennial Plate, the filmmakers travel abroad. “In Gujarat, we spent two days with Bhaskar Save, the Gandhi of Indian farming. After visiting his family, seeing their way of life and eating their food, we were inspired to compose a type of visual “poem” out of his non-violent philosophy.”

What’s to Love About Co-ops – A short video highlighting the co-op difference: “people working together for better food, stronger communities and a healthier world.”

The Perennial Plate: Con Sentido (With Meaning) – The Perennial Plate looks at sustainable methods for growing the mate plant and the cultural significance of mate tea in Argentina.

The Perennial Plate: Stand Up – Phakamani, a young South African farmer, encourages the youth in his country to consider growing their own food through through the Thanda Afterschool Program in this episode of The Perennial Plate.

Boone Creek Creamery – A glimpse behind the scenes of Boone Creak Creamery of Lexington, KY and their artisan cheeses.

The Perennial Plate: Ethiopia! – A little love song to coffee and co-ops for all our java lovers.

ARiES Energy – A speedy view of our entire solar panel installation process.

The Perennial Plate: Fermenting Maine – A short story about Kombucha and community.

Co-op Kitchen: Common Knife Cuts – A brief, useful overview of basic knife cuts. Prepare to tackle those holiday veggies!

The Perennial Plate: The Victory Garden’s edible Feast – In collaboration with PBS and Edibles Magazine, The Perennial Plate has revamped this classic PBS show!

Shuckman’s Fish Co. & Smokery – Take a quick peek at Louisville native Lewis Shuckman and the work that’s been in his family for generations: creating delicious smoked fish and spreads!

P6 Cooperative Trade Movement – Get a brief view of the significance behind the P6 sign you see throughout our co-op and co-ops around the country!

The Perennial Plate: A Season for Caramel – Enjoy this enticing behind-the-scenes look into an urban farmer/candy maker’s livelihood!

Rice: Co+op Kitchen – Use this quick and easy tutorial to discover the ins and outs of rice!

Organic Valley: Save the Bros – If your day could use a shot of satire, all in support of small, local, and cooperative, this Organic Valley Organic Fuel video should do the trick.

Open Streets – Learn more about this exciting international closed streets event coming to our neighborhood!

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