Breastfeeding Welcomed Here

To ensure that our community has access to healthy food, Three Rivers Market has taken the “Breastfeeding Welcomed Here” pledge! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the lack of support for breastfeeding is one of the obstacles to its success. If our culture embraces breastfeeding as a normal way to feed infants, health statistics will likely change for the better.

By taking the “Breastfeeding Welcomed Here” pledge the co-op has agreed to provide a welcoming environment where breastfeeding customers are able to sit anywhere and enjoy a friendly attitude from staff, management and other customers while breastfeeding. Employees are knowledgeable on how to handle complaints about breastfeeding. Staff and concerned customers will be informed that breastfeeding in public is protected by Tennessee law (TCA 68-58-101) and that this business welcomes breastfeeding customers.

The use of the symbol below is to both alert everyone to public locations where they can breastfeed comfortably and to encourage the perception that breastfeeding is normal, accepted and welcomed. The Tennessee Department of Health has partnered with the Tennessee Breastfeeding Coalition to recognize businesses that support breastfeeding families through the “Breastfeeding Welcomed Here” campaign. Click here to view a list of businesses that have also taken the Breastfeeding Welcomed Here Pledge.

Look for this symbol on our door and in our dining room!

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