Board News

Last Updated: August 30th, 2024 by Three Rivers Market Communications.

Like freshly stocked Three Rivers Market shelves, this month’s Board News contains a smorgasbord of new stuff for you to enjoy! You can read about the first impression TRM made on a self-proclaimed grocery nerd, hear from a past Board member who had something encouraging to say about participating in democracy at your co-op, learn what Board committees have been working on, and finally, read a recent study and engagement article that was part of our monthly Board work.


Finding active, engaged members to serve on the Three Rivers Board of Directors is hard work, but it is also good work. In 2023, a beloved Board member, Helen de Haven, shared what makes this work so worthwhile.








Helen passed away a few months after writing the article below, and while she is dearly missed by all who were fortunate enough to know her, we are continually blessed with the wisdom she left with us. Please find below Helen’s last Board News article about democracy in action at Three Rivers Market.

Democracy at Our Co-op

Food co-ops value open-door democracy. For us, it’s a matter of fundamental principles: First, membership is open to all. Second, democratic member-control is the way we govern.

The promise of democratic control is a big deal in a grocery store. Many of us joined Three Rivers Market because we wanted an effective voice in the quality and sources of the food we buy, in the treatment of the employees who serve us, and in the store’s plans for the future – even if it costs a little more. You can’t get that kind of influence as a customer at Kroger!

The main way democracy is practiced at Three Rivers Market is through a representative Board of Directors democratically elected by the membership. There are nine of us, and I’m in the second year of my first term. The General Manager works for the Board and is its only employee. Together, the Board members set the policies for operating the store and monitor the General Manager’s compliance with the policies. On behalf of the membership, we envision and determine the co-op’s future so that it remains true to its values and operates to everyone’s benefit. Almost all of our meetings are open to any member. We keep the membership up to date on our meetings and actions. We welcome and respond to individual concerns and questions. We host the Annual Meeting and other member events, like last year’s summer picnic.

My first year on the Board was an unusually turbulent time for the co-op, but there is much to be thankful for. The financial picture is healthy and it’s steadily improving. Recent surveys requested by the Board show that levels of satisfaction throughout the community are high, both among customers with respect to the store operations and among employees with respect to their working conditions. We have an encouraging number of new members. It’s a good time to get involved. The co-op has been changing and continues to change in a number of ways. As members, we all need to make sure the change is for the better.

So please consider the ways you can participate in our cooperative democracy: by voting in Board elections; attending Board meetings and speaking up during the member forum; participating in member events; joining Board committees; and running for a seat on the Board later this year.

The co-op values the voices of its members. Raise yours!

Helen de Haven (Written in 2022)


A New Perspective on TRM

Errol Schweizer is a self-proclaimed grocery nerd. On a recent drive down I-40 through the Volunteer State, Errol took in the lush ridges and valleys, rolling hills, flowing rivers, and a pretty cool food co-op on Central Avenue in Knoxville.

The Grocery Nerd shared all of this experience, and you can read more here.


Appreciating the Diversity of Members’ Needs and Motivations

In the last year, the board spent time reviewing the TRM Ends Statement, held a cooperative dialogue meeting with an internationally known author, and held regular open listening sessions to hear members’ questions and feedback. These efforts were made to get to know what you want and need from your coop.

During our July board meeting, the Board read this article from National Co+op Grocers that shares a valuable perspective about working toward the future when everyone’s idea of what that looks like is different. The Board enjoyed the article and ensuing discussion, and thought members might also enjoy the perspective.


Board Committee Updates

The Board has several committees that do a lot of important work outside of the regular Board meetings. What exactly are they doing? Here’s an update from each committee chairperson:

Audit: The Audit Committee has met quarterly to review financial statements provided to the Board to inform our monitoring of policy B4, Financial Condition. This committee is composed of TRM members who are current and former Board members, members with experience in financial oversight, and a vendor. The Committee has provided valuable recommendations regarding the type of data received through the General Manager’s reporting, as well as communication methods with TRM’s accountant. The Committee has also shared observations on the co-op’s ongoing financial condition.

Board Perpetuation: The Board Perpetuation Committee is currently promoting recruitment of candidates for the annual election. Once the application period ends, they will review applications, prepare ballot information, and propose a publicity plan for encouraging members to vote when they receive ballots via email. The Chair of this committee is now Brian D. Williams.

Building: The Building and Maintenance Committee has been actively addressing key infrastructure issues at Three Rivers Market. Early meetings focused on identifying immediate and long-term needs based on input from committee members and Fadi Aboush, the General Manager. A comprehensive tour led by Fadi highlighted critical issues such as exterior siding gaps, interior equipment maintenance, and HVAC inefficiencies. These issues were documented in a Google Doc for ongoing reference.

The committee made the following immediate Recommendations:

  • * Exterior Repairs: Urgent repairs are needed for the building’s facade, with some work prioritized for the next 1-2 years.
  • * Interior Maintenance: Recommendations include a pressure and balance test to optimize HVAC performance, identify its lifecycle and reduce energy waste. This includes refrigeration units – aiming to minimize excessive produce waste.
  • * Roof Investigation: Further investigation into roof leaks and structural integrity is a priority, with Fadi overseeing this action.

While the proposal for food safety consulting services was not pursued, the committee proposed food safety consulting services and remains committed to offering guidance and support in maintaining and improving the market’s facilities. The committee aims to continue to track progress on repairs and improvements, ensuring timely action on identified issues.

Member Linkage: The Member Linkage Committee just completed the execution of our Annual Member Picnic at the Racheff House and Gardens in Lonsdale. You can read more about that here (link to last month’s Board News. During the next committee meeting, the team will discuss a couple of ideas for linkage events this fall, as well as develop a plan for an in-store display that both honors the rich history of the co-op and informs all shoppers about what makes TRM different from any other grocery store.

Staff Involvement: The Staff Involvement in Governance Committee has met several times to discuss opportunities for staff to become more involved in the governance of the cooperative. We are weighing what it would mean for the Board to add a staff representative, and how this has worked at other cooperatives. We’re also exploring possible recommendations to the co-op’s policy B1, which concerns employee treatment. Our goal is to have a set of recommendations by the end of the year for the General Manager to review and the newly elected Board to consider for implementation in 2025. Our committee includes current and former staff and Board members, and we’re excited for the opportunity to offer our ideas.

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