Board News

Last Updated: May 4th, 2022 by Three Rivers Market.

Ask not what your co-op can do for you; ask what you can do for your co-op. Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but when you make the decision to become a member of Three Rivers Market, you can contribute to its wellness in various ways. As a member of Three Rivers Market you are currently granted a number of benefits such as saving 10% on a shopping trip each month and placing quick orders for cases quantities that you also save 10% on, and more. In profitable years, you have the opportunity to share in the cooperative’s net profit in the form of a patronage dividend.

What you may not realize is that as a member you also have certain governance rights. These include voting for Directors of the Board. As a member of Three Rivers Market, it’s a given that you value the co-op’s policies, practices, and commitment to our community. Becoming a member of an actively engaged Board of Directors allows you to proactively benefit your co-op by contributing to our Ends

If you’re unsure of whether you have the necessary knowledge and experience to be a Director, rest assured. Three Rivers Market provides training for all new Directors through Columinate, a co-op specializing in Board support for co-ops, non-profits, and other community impact organizations. The tutelage through Columinate consists of Cooperative Board Leadership 101 training as well as financial training. If this seems like an adventure on which you’re willing to embark, we encourage you to look out for an email detailing the 2022 Board Election calendar and requirements. Also, members are welcome to attend Board meetings to learn more about what we do. Please email to register to attend a Board meeting (6:30-8:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month) or with any questions about Board service.

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