Retail & Shopping

Borderland Tees

Bob Riehl & Jenny Arthur, Owners & Chaplains
Jenny: 865-363-4302, Bob: 865-414-7163

Borderland Tees is a community ministry in South Knoxville that funds itself by printing t-shirts and other items for community groups, churches, and businesses. Good quality custom tees are $6 each with a minimum of 36.

Everything Mushrooms Inc.

Bob Hess, Owner

Everything Mushrooms is your complete mushroom supply, gifts, and resource center. We offer many exciting ways to grow and garden mushrooms at home, including mushroom grow kits and spawn. Fresh, local seasonal mushrooms, books, and DVDs, mushrooms crafts, kombucha mothers and more! Three Rivers Market members receive a 5% discount!

Fisher Tire Co.

Bradley Fisher, Manager

Knoxville’s family owned & operated tire store since 1948

Rosette Custom Furniture

Clifford Busey, Owner Craftsman

Maker of sidecar style baby beds that allow the baby’s mattress to press against the mom’s so mom can sleep face-to-face with her baby. Buyers may visit the shop by appointment to examine the product and deliveries to the Knoxville area are free.

Tennessee Valley Bicycles

Eric Ohlgren, Owner

We support commuter, touring, road and mountain bike people with bikes and accessories. Planning a bike camping trip? We have what you need. We have experience with local overnight camping trips and extensive trail knowledge and advice for commuters too.


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