Local Food Guide

Three Rivers Market is a local, independent business and our Local Food Guide is committed to supporting other local, independent businesses!  Inside the Store you will find information on the highest quality local farms and vendors!  We have been connecting East Tennesseans to local food for nearly 43 years!

Use the menu to the left of this page to find eateries, grocery stores, farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture, and advocacy and education organizations we know are committed to using locally grown foods and supporting the local food economy.

Nourish Knoxville’s Local Food Guide is available in our store or online. Use their Guide to navigate your way through our local vendors and around the city of Knoxville’s local food chain. Three Rivers Market can be found under “Grocers” and “Restaurants and Food Trucks” and throughout the Guide for the many local farmers and producers we carry here in the store.

Independent locally-owned businesses are essential to a vital local economy and community character.  They’re owned by our friends, neighbors, and kinfolk. They are the backbone of our local economy, civic life, charities, and wealth creation for our citizens, as well as a training ground for future generations of entrepreneurs.

A local, independent business is defined as follows:

1. Private, worker, community or cooperative ownership.

2. At least 50% locally-owned. This means the owners live in the geographic area where the business is located.

3. Decision-making authority is vested in the local owners and not subject to conditions dictated remotely.

4. The business has a limited number of outlets and limited geographic area.


For more information on the value of local, independent business, visit the American Independent Business Association.



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